Here’s my first pre-season tip for you. First a question:  Did you tune up your skis from last season? Set yourself up for success by handing in your skis to your local skishop. If the early season conditions are a bit rough, things will just get worse with dull edges and a dry base. Sharp edges and a fast wax is not only for skiracers. You will feel the difference.

Time for new equipment? Did you already talk about this during last season? Well, then its probably time! Be honest with yourself and choose equipment that suits you. Not what suits your spouse or friends. Talk to the pros in the local store, I think you know not to buy skis and boots by the color, only your individual fit is what is important here for your new equipment.

I also truly recommend having your new boots fitted by a professional boot fitter. Since skiing is all about forces, your alignment in joints and skeleton is needed for a functional set-up. Together with a customized footbed your boots will be your best friends during many fun adventures.

Take the pre-season for what it is, a time to get started and finding the feeling again after a long break. So don’t be too hard on yourself if the clean carve does not appear on the first few days on snow.

Focus on finding the feeling in your feet first and search for an early weight transfer under the outside ski. Don’t give up if you feel the edge of the outer ski starting to slide, recover quickly by finding support on the inside part of your foot again. Remember to go out and ski in all weather and snow conditions, not only when its clear weather – its the best way to find that sweet spot!

It’s time to bring the ski legs back to life again and to level up your endurance. Challenge yourself by going further and further without stopping. The piste from Weissfluhjoch down to Davos village (over 1000 m vertical drop) is a really good measure of value. Skiing that run now and a few days later as a comparative test you will soon notice that your endurance has improved as well as your ability to repair small mistakes. Look for rhythm and harmony during the whole run. If your legs start to burn you know that you are skiing in a non-functional way. Adjust your stance, become aware whether you are using all the joints in your body or not, and if there is a flow in the  movements.

The most important thing of all is to reward yourself later with a hot chocolate break to keep the energy up!

  1. Check your equipment before the season and regularly during winter.
  2. Find the feeling in your feet and where your support is coming from.
  3. Level up your ski endurance.

See you up there – hope you are as excited as I am!
